CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds, Not for Time:

1:00 Light Row

6 Slow Scap Retractions

5 Walkouts

4 Spiderman + Reach (each side)

3 Russian Baby Makers

Into 1 Round, Not for Time:

1:00 Light Bike

:30s Cossack Squat

:30s Warrior Squat

5 Waiter Squats (each side)


Pausing Back Squat

On the 1:30 x 6 Sets:

30 Double-Unders

2 Pausing Back Squats
Sets #1+2 – 65%

Sets #3+4 – 70%

Sets #5+6 – 75%

3 second pause in the bottom of each rep.

Every three weeks of ascending percentage squatting, we will be taking a reduced intensity week on this movement. This is not a full de-load week yet. Just a holding pattern on our back squats to allow our next push in the coming weeks. Repetitions come from the rack, and let’s ensure that we are finishing each set by the 1:00 mark of the interval. If we do not believe we will be, let’s reduce the DU to 25 or 20 reps.


Snatch Complex

On the 1:30 x 7 Sets:

1 Hang Squat Snatch

1 Low-Hang Squat Snatch
After two weeks of training the low hang in our primer, we are aiming to climb to a heavy for the day in this complex. Click “Workout Prep Notes” for details on each movement. Percentages below:

Set #1 – 60%

Set #2 – 65%

Set #3 – 70%

Set #4 – 75%

Sets #5+6+7 – Build to a heavy complex for the day.

Extra Credit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Body Armor (A):

3 Sets:

50% of Max Ring Muscle-Ups

50′ Dumbbell Overhead Lunge (changing 25′)

Rest 2:00 between sets.

Each set starts with half of our best unbroken Ring Muscle-Up set. If we have 8 unbroken ring muscle-ups, that would be 4 reps per round. These do not need to be unbroken, but we are striving towards so.

If we do not yet have ring muscle-ups, given work later this week, let’s complete our banded strict ring muscle-up drill, for 8 reps each round at a challenging band tension. This movement is capable of building strength in the movement when done right.

On the following dumbbell overhead walking lunge, this is completed with a single dumbbell. Change arms at the 25′ mark (halfway), and aim to complete each distance unbroken. Let’s start at a manageable load, and aim to build to a heavy for the day. Not a max effort, but let’s challenge ourselves here.

Body Armor (B):

3 Rounds, Not for Time:

21 GHD Sit-Ups

15 Dumbbell Bench Press

9 Strict CTB Pull-Ups

Athlete’s choice on the dumbbell loading. These reps do not need to be unbroken each time, but we should be using loads that we are able to complete the 15 reps in 2 sets or less. Free to build over the rounds.

On the strict CTB pull-ups, we are looking for the full range of motion today. For many athletes, it will be best to use a resistance band to find the full range of motion at this volume.

Stimulus Notes

Warm-up (No Measure)

Week #4 of “Grunt Work”.

Full cycle details posted in “Workout Prep Notes”.

After our first three weeks of ascending back squat percentages, we are taking a brief recovery from the heavier weights. Not a full deload week (3 weeks out there), but a chance to recover for the next push ahead.

Pausing back squats, coupled with the jump rope to start our day and add a light breathing component to the repetitions. Although reduced percentages, this will still prove to be a good challenge for us.

Repeating our snatch primers from last week, with the intentions on building in loads, followed by a squat snatch complex.

Two Body Armor pieces to close out another “Muscle Monday”.