CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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German Shepherd (4 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP 3 Minutes

6 Wall Walks

18 GHD SIt Ups

-rest 2 Minutes-

AMRAP 3 Minutes

54 Double Unders

6 Wall Walks

-rest 2 Minutes-

AMRAP 3 Minutes

18 GHD SIt Ups

54 Double Unders

-rest 2 Minutes-

AMRAP 6 Minutes

6 Wall Walks

18 GHD SIt Ups

54 Double Unders

*If you don’t have a GHD sub 2x Alt. Leg V-Up.

Target Reps each set:

AMRAP 1: 72+ (3+ Rounds)

AMRAP 2&3: 180+ (3+ Rounds)

AMRAP 4: 312+ (4+ Rounds)

Minimum Reps before scaling each set:

AMRAP 1: 48 (2 Rounds)

AMRAP 2&3: 120 (2 Rounds)

AMRAP 4: 234 (3 Rounds)


How to Pace: SPRINT!! Push the pace each workout as it is only a “brief’ amount of time before you get to rest! We want you to blur the line of going to fast each time.

How it should Feel: GASSY or MUSCULAR ENDURANCE! If you are great at these movements, then it will mainly be a “breathy” workout! Otherwise, it will be a core and shoulder burner!


Bar Muscle-ups

4 sets

90 second AMRAP

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Max Bar Muscle Ups in remaining time

– rest 90 seconds between sets-

Score is total number of Bar Muscle Ups