CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)


Spriderman + Reach: 3 Minutes (Alternating Sides)

Wrist Stretches: 30 Seconds Each Direction

Puppy Pose: 1-2 Minutes


2-3 Rounds For Quality:

:20 Second Single Unders

:20 Second Banded Pull Aparts

:20 Second Active Spiderman

Barbell Warmup

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


Box Squat

Box Squats

On the Minute x 10:

2 Box Squats

All Sets at 50% 1RM Back Squat

Box Height 3″ Below Parallel



After several weeks of Box Squats just below parallel, we’ll now lower the height to 3 inches below parallel

Over the next few weeks, the height will stay the same and the percentages will increase

Use 50% of your 1RM Back Squat for all 10 sets today



The box squat is designed to utilize more glutes, hamstring, and back than the traditional back squat

We’ll break this movement down into 4 parts: Stance, Down, Sitting, and Up

For the stance, we want to take a wider stance than usual to help pin point the posterior chain more

On the way down, think about sitting back slowly so the shins are vertical instead of dropping straight down

We want to briefly pause in a sitting position to take away the stretch reflex of the movement instead of just bouncing off the box

The goal is to be explosive as possible on the way up to our standing position


Pausing Back Squats (3 Seconds in Bottom)

Metcon (Weight)

0:00 – 4:00

3 Sets:

3 Jerk Balances

1 Pausing Split Jerk (1 Seconds in Catch)

Sets 1-2: 35% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

Set 3: 40% of 1RM Clean and Jerk


There are 3 parts that contribute to today’s Clean and Jerk Technique

This Jerk Balance Complex will be 3 sets and lasts from 0:00 – 4:00 on a running clock

The Jerk Balance is a helpful drill for training proper position under the bar and equal weight distribution between the front and back legs during the split

The Pausing Split Jerk gives you a second to feel out proper balance in the catch position, allowing you to adjust before recovering the feet to a standing position

We’ll keep the weights fairly light here to drill good technique

Work around 35-40% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk, but adjust as needed to stay light

With 3 sets in 4 minutes, this means you’ll complete a set every 1:20 (0:00 – 1:20 – 2:40)


Jerk Balance:

Pausing Split Jerk:

Metcon (Weight)

4:00 – 8:00

3 Sets:

2 Tall Cleans

1 Split Jerk

Start at 35% of 1RM Clean and Jerk and Build


The second part of Clean and Jerk Technique starts on the 4:00 and is highlighted by the Tall Clean

The tall clean is designed to train speed and accuracy in the turnover of the squat clean

It focuses entirely on the down motion of the squat clean instead of on the jump up

Weights will also be fairly light here to focus on good technique

Start around 35% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk and build as you see fit over the 3 sets

Use weights that won’t force you to try to jump the weight up to your shoulders – as the focus should be on the way down

Just like the first part, you have 3 sets to get done in 4 minutes – meaning you’ll complete a set every 1:20 (4:00 – 5:20 – 6:40)


Tall Clean:

Metcon (Weight)

10:00 – 19:00

On the 1:30 x 6 Sets:

1 Hang Squat Clean

1 Squat Clean

1 Split Jerk

Set 1: 64% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

Set 2: 68% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

Set 3: 72% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

Set 4: 68% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

Set 5: 70% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

Set 6: 74% of 1RM Clean and Jerk


The final piece of Clean and Jerk work starts on the 10:00 and involves two waves of percentages based on your 1RM Clean and Jerk

We’ll climb higher in load than the first two technique pieces, topping out at 74%

The goal here is to put the focuses from the Jerk Balances, Pausing Split Jerks, and Tall Cleans together

Get under the barbell quickly in the squat cleans and find equal weight balance between both feet in the split jerk

These 3 reps are designed to be completed without dropping the barbell

Rounds begin every 90 seconds (10:00 – 11:30 – 13:00 – 14:30 – 16:00 – 17:30)


Complex Demo:


90 Shiny (Time)


Power Cleans (135/95)(95/65)

50 Double Unders After Each Round

Directly Into…


Front Squats (135/95)(95/65)

50 Double Unders After Each Round


There are 2 parts to this workout, each consisting of a barbell and jump rope movement

After each round on the barbell, you’ll complete 50 double unders

There is no rest between the first couplet and the second

The workout flows as follows:

21 Power Cleans, 50 Double Unders

15 Power Cleans, 50 Double Unders

9 Power Cleans, 50 Double Unders

21 Front Squats, 50 Double Unders

15 Front Squats, 50 Double Unders

9 Front Squats, 50 Double Unders

Your score is the total time it takes you to complete the full workout

We expect this piece to take around 10-16 minutes to complete


We’re looking to use one barbell weight for both movements

This should be a moderate weight that allows you to complete 21+ reps unbroken on each movement when fresh

Within the workout, you should be able to complete the front squats within 1-2 sets


Choose a number or variation here that takes around 1 minute to complete

See “subs” for more options



A mix of sets and singles might be the best strategy on the barbell – as the weight isn’t heavy enough where singles are a must from the beginning

Starting off each set with a larger set of ‘touch and go’ before going to singles could be a good option

For Example:

Set of 21: 11 Touch and Go + 10 Singles

Set of 15: 8 Touch and Go + 7 Singles

Set of 9: 5 Touch and Go + 4 Singles

This method gets you significantly ahead in each set before switching to quick singles

Quick singles will always be there – so use them to keep moving forward if you find yourself resting a lot


The front squats are a different story since they don’t come back to the ground like the power cleans

Get to at least just over half way before deciding to hold on or drop

12 Reps Into Set of 21

8 Reps Into Set of 15

5 Reps Into Set of 9

If you’re feeling ok at these numbers, try to hold on to the finish

If you need to take a quick break – keep it to 10 seconds or less