CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

2 minute light row/bike

30on/30off singles or doubles x 3

10 air squats

5 inchworms with push up

10 walking lunges with twist

10 hollow rocks

10 jumping air squats


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 20-30:

Double Tabata (40 Seconds On / 20 Seconds Off):

Minute 1: Machine Calories

Minute 2: Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Minute 3: Air Squats

Minute 4: Double Unders

Minute 5: AbMat Sit-ups

Working in Double Tabata format for today’s optional active recovery

Work for as much of the 40 seconds as possible and rest 20 seconds before transitioning to the next movement

Your choice between 4 rounds m (20 minutes) and 6 rounds (30 minutes)

Your choice on what machine you would like to use for the first station

Choose a light-moderate kettlebell weight that you can swing for 30+ reps when fresh

Work through a variation of double unders or practice the movement for 40 seconds