CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

1:00 light bike + 1:00 moderate bike

5 spiderman and reach

push up into downward dog with calf stretch (5x’s)

10m bear walk forwards/backwards

20-30 second handstand hold

5-8 ring rows

10 hollow rocks

10 banded good mornings


Metcon (No Measure)

Strict Gymnastics (B)

4 Giant Sets For Quality:

10 Horizontal Ring Rows

:10-:20 Second Ring Support Hold

Working back and forth between two ring movements in the second half of strict gymnastics

For the horizontal ring rows, choose a difficulty that is challenging, but one that allows you to complete the 10 rows unbroken

On the ring rows, walking the feet further forward or elevating them will make the pull more challenging

Following the last ring row, immediately transition to a ring dip lockout for 10-20 seconds

Rest as following after the ring support hold


Ring Support Hold

Reduce Time

Use Band as Needed

Push-up Plank Hold (30-45 seconds)


Sea Horse (Time)


40/30 Calorie Bike

800 Meter Row

400 Meter Run

20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

RX – 2 Rounds

RX+ – 3 Rounds
40:00 CAP



This 3-round “cardio heavy” workout is intended to be on the longer side: 30-40 minutes or 10-13 minutes per round


The row meters will be the same for all athletes


If unable to run, increase the bike or row distances to accommodate:

Assault or Echo Bike: Increase by 28/20 Calories

Row: Increase by 500 Meters


Face the box on the burpee and the jump over for these 20 reps

There is no need to stand to full extension on top of the box


3 round workouts are always a good test of pacing

This longer workout is all about finding your maximum sustainable pace

Today is a great opportunity to have a plan and see if it works out

Before the workout begins, envision what your speed and effort will feel like about 10-12 minutes into the workout

If we determine our pace based on how we feel in the first 2-3 minutes, it may be too fast

Determining your pace off fast you think you’ll be going somewhere in the middle of the workout can help you stay consistent across the board

During the workout, make a mental note of how long each round took you and evaluate your pacing strategy after the workout is over

Extra Credit

Metcon (No Measure)

Not For Time:

30 Wall Walks

In the wall walk, you will start by lying prone your chest with the bottom of the feet in contact with the wall

You’ll walk the hands backwards and the feet up the wall until the chest you are vertical in a wall facing handstand hold

Walk as high as you can and get the body as straight as possible

With these being not for time, take your time between reps to ensure quality of movements


The way down on the wall walk can be a little tricky

To avoid sliding down, think about pushing the feet into the wall as you walk the hands away

This maintains pressure and connection to the wall and helps with a more controlled descent


Walk Feet Lower

Reduce Reps