
Happy Birthday Ava DeFranzo!

CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

“For most of us, the problem is not a lack of goals. But rather too many of them.” – Roy F. Baumeister

250 row

10 pvc pass throughs

5 spiderman and reach/side

5 tabletops w/5 second hold at top

5 inchworms w/push up

10 overhead circles (with 2.5/5 pound weights)

1:00 accumulation of handstand hold stretch

:30 quad stretch

5 scap pull ups + 5 strict pull ups + 5-10 kip swings


Metcon (No Measure)


3 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-ups

:15 Second Hanging L-Sit


3 Deadstop Handstand Push-ups

6 Strict Toes to Bar


3 Tempo Strict Pull-ups (3 Seconds Up, 3 Seconds Down)

:15 Seconds Freestanding Handstand or Handstand Floater Practice

Similar to last week, we’ll work through these 5-minute couplets AMRAP style, but for quality over speed

For Example: When you finish the 15 Second Hanging L-Sit, you’ll move back to the 3 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-ups

None of these movements have to be completed unbroken

Break them up in a way that preserves quality of movement


Deficit Strict Handstand Push-ups

Reduce Deficit

Reduce Reps

Double Dumbbell Strict Press

Hanging L-Sit

Reduce Time

Feet as High as Possible While Hanging

Deadstop Handstand Push-ups

Reduce Reps

Deadstop Double Dumbbell Strict Press (Pause 1 Second on Shoulders)

Strict Toes to Bar

Reduce Reps

Feet as High as Possible (Without Swinging)

Tempo Strict Pull-ups

Reduce Reps

Banded Tempo Strict Pull-ups

Freestanding Handstand or Handstand Floater Practice

Reduce Time

Handstand Hold on Wall


Lead Foot (3 Rounds for reps)

“Lead Foot” Part 1


27 Calorie Row, 27 Burpees to Target, 27 CTB Pull-Ups

Rest 4:00

“Lead Foot” Part 2


21 Calorie Row, 21 Burpees to Target, 21 Toes to Bar

Rest 4:00

“Lead Foot” Part 3


15 Calorie Row, 15 Burpees to Target, 15 Pull-Ups


“Lead Foot” is a repeat benchmark workout last completed on 5.7.19

These 4 minute windows are designed to be fast and furious

With 4 minutes of rest built in, we want to push the work windows hard

A good scoring goal to shoot for on each round is:

1st AMRAP: ~1 Round

2nd AMRAP: ~1+ Round

3rd AMRAP: ~1.5 Rounds


The only thing causing us to stop during these windows are the gymnastic movements

Choose rep schemes and/or variations that you are capable of completing the work in 1-2 sets when fresh


These are standard burpees requiring chest to deck and full extension at the top of each rep



Move at a strong pace, but one that allows to keep moving once you get the gymnastics

The goal on these two movements is to move at the fastest pace possible that still allows you to smash the third movement


While we have a short time to work, that doesn’t mean we have to try to complete these unbroken

If you’re confident in doing so, it does get you back on the rower faster

However, quick sets with quick breaks can be just as effective

These quick sets are better than trying to go big and hitting a wall, which causes you to stop moving

The best option is the one that keeps you moving as much as possible

Here are a few thoughts on how to approach each set:

Set of 27

1 Set: 27

2 Sets: 15-12

3 Sets: 9-9-9

4 Sets: 8-7-6-6

5 Sets: 7-5-5-5-5

Set of 21

1 Set: 21

2 Sets: 12-9

3 Sets: 7-7-7

4 Sets: 6-5-5-5

5 Sets: 5-4-4-4-4

Set of 15

1 Set: 15

2 Sets: 8-7

3 Sets: 5-5-5

4 Sets: 4-4-4-3

5 Sets: 3-3-3-3-3


Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Reduce Reps

Chin Over Bar Pull-ups

Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Banded Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Ring Rows

Toes to Bar

Reduce Reps

Feet as High as Possible (While Maintaining Rhythm)

Knees to Elbows, Chest, Waist


Reduce Reps

Jumping Pull-ups

Banded Pull-ups

Ring Rows