CrossFit Indian Trail – At Home

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Warm-up (No Measure)

“When it’s obvious that the goal cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goal, adjust the action steps.” – Confucius

When obstacles arise, we often find ourselves at a crossroad. One option is that we can allow the adversity to adjust our goal, moving into a state of compromise. The other option is that we keep the destination… and adjust the sails.

If our reaction under adversity is to compromise the goal and make it a bit easier, we’re now simply continuing on to “check the box”. But goals aren’t meant to be checked – they are meant to change us. And anything of that magnitude is going to mother-freaking-hard.

Let’s make it part of our identity – when times get hard, we go harder.


3 Rounds

30 Seconds Active Spidermans

30 Seconds Glute Bridges

2 Rounds

30 Seconds Lateral Squats

30 Seconds Single Leg Glute Bridges

Right Leg in Round 1, Left Leg in Round 2

1 Round

1 Minute Line Hops

1 Minute Glute Bridge Walkouts


Garage War (At Home) (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Rounds For Reps:

1 Minute Double Dumbbell Thrusters (50’s/35’s)

1 Minute Double Dumbbell Power Cleans (50’s/35’s)

1 Minute Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops

1 Minute Double Dumbbell Push Presses (50’s/35’s)

1 Minute Burpees

1 Minute Rest


You’ll work for 5 minutes straight before resting for 1 in this “Fight Gone Bad” style workout

This piece includes 3 moderately loaded weightlifting stations and 2 bodyweight stations

Keep a running rep count with each movement, as your score is the total number of reps completed at the end of the 3 rounds

Write down your reps for each round during your 1 minute of rest


Use one weight for all 3 dumbbell movements

Choose this loading based on the most challenging movement for you – likely the thruster

This should be a weight that allows you to complete 21+ thrusters unbroken when fresh

Here are some notes these movements:

Power Cleans: Only one head of each dumbbell has to touch the floor in the bottom

Thrusters & Push Press: There is no re-bend of the knees after driving the dumbbells overhead

Movement Demos:

Thrusters: [Video]()

Power Cleans: Video

Push Presses: [Video]()


Just like the name suggests, you’ll jump over the handle of 1 dumbbell and back

Over and back is equal to 1 rep

If it helps with scoring, simply count total jumps and cut the number in half at the end

Click Here for a video demo of this movement


These are standard burpees:

Hit your chest and thighs to the floor

Jump up or step up out of the bottom

Reach full extension with a small clap overhead and some air under the feet

Extra Credit

Metcon (No Measure)


Alternating Tabata:

Hollow Rocks



Workout flows as:

8 Rounds:

:20s Max Hollow Rocks, :10s Rest

:20s V-Ups, :10s Rest