CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 Tempo Bike

1st minute slow, 2nd minute moderate, 3rd minute moderate/fast.

1:00 Medball Thoracic Opener

1:00 Wrist Stretches on Box

2 Rounds:

3 Spidermans each side

6 Wall Squats w/ Band in hands

9 Empty Barbell Overhead Squats

12 Superman Rocks

1:00 Thoracic Opener (Barbell)

1:00 Warrior Squat


Strict Handstand Pushup

Last week, we completed 10 sets at 40%. In the final week of this current progression, we’ll bring our total set count back up to 12, holding 40%.

Today – 12 x 40%

Last Week – 10 x 40%

2 Weeks Ago – 12 x 30%

3 Weeks Ago – 10 x 30%

Inside this repetition scheme, we are aiming to rest as little as possible between the sets, all the while maintaining unbroken sets.

If for example, we have 20 unbroken strict handstand pushups, our workout is 10 rounds of 8 unbroken strict handstand pushups for time.

On the other side, if we have 5 or less reps, we can actually modify up. If we are completing for example 10 sets of 2 reps, we can modify to 3, or even 4 if we see fit. Let’s choose the appropriate option here so that we are challenging ourselves. If we are not completing strict reps today (to the floor), we have two options:

Elevated Platform Strict HSPU

Strict Presses with Dumbbells

If we move towards the elevated platform, we want to be wary of what the platform can train – that specific range of motion. If it is to build comfort and confidence in the HSPU, that’s a good thing. But to build capacity, we want to recognize, that the full range of motion trumps in almost all situations.



On the 2:00 x 6 Sets:

3 Thrusters (from the ground)

Set #1 – 60% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

Set #2 – 64%

Set #3 – 68%

Sets #4+5+6 – Build to a Heavy Set of 3.

Record the final three sets to the tracker.


Chest Hair (Time)

For Time:

25 Thrusters (95/65)

400 Meter Run

25 CTB Pull-Ups

400 Meter Run

25 Thrusters (95/65)
In “Chest Hair” we have a down-and-back chipper with 25 chest-to-bar pull-ups in the center.

Although this looks a bit lengthy written out, this is a mid-range sprint effort. We are looking at the 7-9 minute workout here for those who are proficient at these movements. With 25 reps on the thrusters and pull-ups, we are facing a repetition count that is within reach, but one we also need to be smart with. If it were 21 or less, it’s virtually a hard-paced sprint perhaps. If it were 30+ reps, we are looking at purposeful breaks and pacing our stamina. At 25 per, we’re right in the middle, on purpose.

This rep range gives us the chance to think about our pacing and how hard we can push on the work inside the gym. The runs are naturally important, but let’s place the focus on the thrusters and pull-ups to start. Naturally, an extra break on the thruster barbell can add 10 seconds, quite easily. Whereas on the run, moving 10 seconds slower is a significant difference in energy/effort. Let’s design a strong game plan inside the gym, and then we look towards pushing our runs.

On the thrusters, we are looking for a loading that we are very confident we could complete 21 reps unbroken. To the tune of, we feel highly confident we could complete that first set of 25 unbroken. Strategy wise, we may choose for a quick, single break (such as 16-9), but it’s a loading that we can cycle on call.

On the next movement inside the gym, we have our CTB pull-ups. Pacing is a little more individualized here, entirely dependent on where we currently are in the movement. Sharing a similar theme to the barbell, we are looking for strong sized sets here. This is the only time we are on the pull-up bar in the workout, so we can safely push our sets here with aggression. By no means do we want to hit a wall if this is a movement we struggle with, but let’s get outside the comfort zone here and push our sets, and our time between.

Extra Credit

Metcon (No Measure)

Not for Score:

15:00 Recovery Bike

Athlete’s choice on Erg Bike or Assault Bike.

On the 5:00, 10:00, and 15:00:

12 Lateral Box Step-Ups (6 each leg)

12 Waiter Squats (6 each leg)
A recovery with positional refinement in two movements – the box step-ups and waiter squats.

On the lateral box step-ups, let’s complete these unweighted. Athlete’s choice on box height, with the intention being that these are very deliberate. Using as little momentum as possible, let’s focus on pulling with our raised leg on the box, versus pushing. What we are after is a posterior-chain dominant pull onto the box, versus a quad-dominant push. Complete all six on one side before changing.

On the waiter squats, we are weighting a single side. Athlete’s choice on kettlebell or dumbbell. Err on the lighter side here, with positioning being exponentially more important than load. With a single weight on a single shoulder, we will be tempted to compensate. Our body will want to lean away from the weight, attempting to bring the weight over our center of mass. Although that results in a more gravity-friendly lift, we are after the opposite. Let’s keep that loading off to the side, forcing our midline to do the work to stay both stabilized and in sound position with our squat mechanics. Square off to the center, and move deliberately here. Free to build over the three rounds if we desire, but again… let’s focus on our positioning and let loading be what it is.