CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 Tempo Bike

1st minute slow, 2nd minute moderate, 3rd minute moderate/fast.

1:00 Medball Thoracic Opener

1:00 Wrist Stretches on Box

2 Rounds:

3 Spidermans each side

6 Wall Squats

9 Empty Barbell Overhead Squats

12 Superman Rocks

1:00 Thoracic Opener (Barbell)

1:00 Warrior Squat


Power Snatch

On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:

1 Hang Power Snatch

2 Power Snatches

3 Overhead Squats

Inside this complex, we are looking to hold onto the bar throughout. If we must drop the bar from overhead between snatches, let’s quickly reset onto the bar.

Set #1 – 60%

Set #2 – 65%

Set #3+4+5 – Build to a heavy complex for the day.


Bartender (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


12 Deadlifts

9 Overhead Squats

6 Hang Power Snatches

Barbell – 115/85
In “Bartender” we have a test of barbell stamina.

Traditionally, we will couple the barbell with a gymnastic or “monostuctural” movement such as a bike or a row. But today, we are going directly at the barbell for the full 10 minutes. What this will require, is diligent pacing on our part as each movement does impact the others.

Above all, we’ll need to exercise patience in the earlier rounds. This is a weight that we are confident in cycling for large sets early, and that can be a blessing and a curse. If we come out too aggressively, our round times can literally double in this workout.

Stimulus wise, we are looking for a moderate weight, and one that we feel confident we could hang power snatch or overhead squat for 15 reps unbroken when fresh if we were to go for it.

On all three movements, although this sounds a little “obvious”, let’s remind ourselves of midline stabilization here. When we breathe and relax, our torso moves. Slightly, but it “translates”, placing demand on the smaller muscle groups surrounding our spinal structure. If we have such movement (often just do to not actively thinking about it), these muscles can become over taxed. And what results is what is known as the “back pump”. Where the lower back, or a portion of the back, feels like lactic acid just got stuck in there. And this “pump” can shut us down, leaving us unable to squat and sometimes hinge. It leaves us after some time, but it feels like significant cramping sensation in the lower back. This is very common when we combine deadlifts with a weighted squat. Focus throughout all three movements on what we are doing with our abdominals. Breathe at the top of each rep, but brace during movement.

On the deadlifts, athletes may find 1-2 breaks helpful. In any event, breaking after the 11 reps to establish a snatch grip width sets us up well to finish our 12th in position for a hang power snatch or a hang squat snatch (starting our next OHS).

Extra Credit

Metcon (No Measure)

4 Rounds, Not for Time:

18 Banded Good Mornings

15 x 4-Count Flutter Kicks

12 Glute Bridges
On the glute bridges, we are free to weight these, as well as increase weight each round. Let’s maintain an unbroken set of 9 reps each time however.