CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


2:00 on any machine

1:00 banded shoulder distraction

1:00 spiderman and reach

1:00 calf stretch


2 sets

1:00 row

60 single unders

200m run

2 sets

15 banded good mornings

15 banded pull aparts

20 second front plank


Nancy (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#

Nasty Nancy (Time)

5 Rounds for Time:

500m Run

15 Overhead Squats (185/125)(135/95)

15 Bar-Facing Burpees

Extra Credit

Metcon (No Measure)

Gymnastics Stamina

On the 3:00 x 5 rounds (15:00)

30 DU + 30% max ring mu

30 DU + 30% max strict hspu

Recovery Bike with remaining time