CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

“I attribute my success to this – I never gave, or took, any excuse.” – Florence Nightingale

500m light row

5 spiderman and reach

10 air squats + 5 russian baby makers + 30 second hold in bottom of squat (spend a bit of time opening up the hips)

15 banded good mornings

banded lat/tricep stretch

5 inchworms with a push up into a downward dog + calf stretch

:30 on/off singles or doubles (3x)

*barbell warm up (deadlifts, elbow rotations, front squats, hang cleans, squat cleans)


Clean Pull

6 Sets:

1 Tempo Clean Pull

1 Clean Pull

Sets 1-2: 70%

Set 3-4: 75%

Sets 5-6: 80%


These 6 sets of clean pull technique work are based on your 1RM or estimated 1RM Clean

Reset on the ground as needed to maintain quality – these 2 reps do not have to be completed ‘touch and go’


5 Seconds to Jumping Position (Pockets)

Followed By an Aggressive Shrug to Finish

Tempo on 1st rep, no tempo on 2nd


Low Tide (3 Rounds for reps)


Buy-In: 700 Meter Row

7 Squat Cleans (95/65)(75/55)

25 Double Unders

Rest 5 Minutes


Buy-In: 500 Meter Row

5 Squat Cleans (115/85)(95/65)

25 Double Unders

Rest 5 Minutes


Buy-In: 300 Meter Row

3 Squat Cleans (135/95)(115/85)

25 Double Unders

RX – 75/55 – 95/65 – 115/85

RX+ – 95/65 – 115/85 – 135/95


Working through 3 fast-paced intervals with 5 minutes of rest between

On each AMRAP, the row is the buy-in and only happens once

After finishing the meters on the rower, you will complete as many rounds and reps of squat cleans and double unders

The score for each interval is total rounds and reps of clean and double unders (row meters do not count towards score)


General Timeline For Each Buy-In Row:

700 Meters: ~3 Minutes (Leaves 2 Minutes for Cleans & Dubs)

500 Meters: ~2 Minutes (Leaves 3 Minutes for Cleans & Dubs)

300 Meters: ~1 Minute (Leaves 4 Minutes for Cleans & Dubs)

If short on rowers or space, stagger athletes on opposite 5-minute windows


With such short time windows, we want to choose a double under rep number or variation that can be completed ideally unbroken


The weights increase and reps decrease with each interval

1st Bar: Light Weight that You Can Complete 7 Reps Unbroken During Workout

2nd Bar: Light-Moderate Weight that You Can Complete 5 Reps in 1-2 Sets During Workout

3rd Bar: Moderate Weight that You Can Complete 3 Reps as Quick Singles or Small Sets During Workout



Since we’re rowing for meters instead of calories, there isn’t as big of a payoff in going faster as there is with calories

For Example:

* If we row 500 meters at a 2:00 vs. 1:55 – it’s only a 5 second difference

* If we row 50 calories at 1200 vs. 1000 Cal/Hr it’s a 30 second difference

That 5 second difference when rowing for meters can quickly be lost in one slow transition from rope back to the barbell

That being said – row at a strong pace, but one that allows you to keep moving and attack the scored portion of the workout


Pick the option at each interval that allows you to rest the least

1st Bar (7 Reps): Aim for 1-2 Sets at the Lightest Weight (7, 4-3)

2nd Bar (5 Reps): Small Sets or Quick Singles Work at This Light-Moderate Weight (5, 3-2, 2-2-1, 1-1-1-1-1)

3rd Bar (3 Reps

Extra Credit

Metcon (No Measure)

0:00 – 6:00

:20 Second Wall-Facing Handstand Hold

2 Strict Ring Muscle-ups (Or Banded Strict)

6:00 – 12:00

1 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-up + 15′ Handstand Walk

2 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 15′ Handstand Walk

3 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 15′ Handstand Walk

12:00 – 18:00

25 Double Unders

:15 Second L-Sit on Rings

5 Tempo Ring Rows

These 6-minute windows of gymnastics work are designed to be completed AMRAP style, but for quality over speed

For Example: Once you finish the 2 strict ring muscle-ups, you’ll work back to the :20 Wall-Facing Handstand Hold

See below for subs for each movement


Wall Facing Handstand Hold

Reduce Time

Strict Ring Muscle-ups

Reduce to 1 Rep

Banded Strict Ring Muscle-ups

Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Strict Chin Over Bar Pull-ups

Banded Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Handstand Walk

Reduce Distance

30 Seconds of Handstand Walk Practice Practice

20 Seconds Handstand Weight Shifting

20 Seconds Box Shoulder Taps

Double Unders

Reduce Reps

30 Seconds of Double Under Practice

40 Single Unders

L-Sit on Rings

Reduce Time

Hanging L-Sit (From Pull-up Bar)