CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit Teens

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Start with

200m Light run


5 Spiderman & reach each side

Hamstring stretch and Pigeon each side 1 minute

5 inch worms with push ups

Small banded steps

15 air squats and alternating kossack squats

10 shoulder circles on wall

10 Kip swings

Barbell warm up:

chest opener on rig

5 pause back squats

10 good mornings


Back Squat (10-8-6-4-2 Reps Increase weight each set)

On the 0:00 10 reps

On the 3:00 8 reps

On the 6:00 6 reps

On the 9:00 4 reps

On the 12:00 2 reps

* last set should be around 80% of 1 RM

Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds:

25 Wall Balls

20 Cal Row

15 Alternating DB Power Snatches

10 Pull Ups

Core Work