CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

2:00 bike/row/run

pvc pass throughs and windmills

spiderman and reach with hamstring lockouts

inchworm with tempo push ups

banded lat stretch

(2x) 1 strict knee to elbow, 1 strict toe to bar, 8-10 kip swings

3-5 strict pull ups

7/5 cal bike

3 burpees

3-5 toes to bar

3-5 bar muscle up (or modified movement)

Toasted Marshmall S’mores Galore Cheesecake (6 Rounds for time)

Partner Throwdown Friday!
3 sets
-at minute 0:00, 11:00, and 26:00
17/14 Calorie Bike
21 Burpee to Bar
15 Bar Muscle Ups
-at minute 5:00, 18:00 and 37:00-
17/14 Calorie Bike
21 Toes to Bar
15 Burpee Over Line

**split all reps as desired
***Progressively harder efforts each set (hence the progressively longer rest)

Individual Option:
3 sets
-at minute 0:00, 11:00, and 26:00
9/7 Calorie Bike
12 Burpee to Bar
9 Bar Muscle Ups
-at minute 5:00, 18:00 and 37:00-
9/7 Calorie Bike
12 Toes to Bar
9 Burpee Over Line

*Time cap 4 minutes each set
Rx+ as written
Rx chest to bar pull ups