CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

2:00 bike/row/run

spiderman and reach

squat hold and flossing

banded lat stretch

banded side steps, kickbacks, fire hydrants

8-10 kip swings +3-5 strict chin/pull ups

3 foot clamp to stand

10 air squats and 10 Cossack squats

3-5 GHD sit ups/abmat sit ups

1 rope climb

5-7 wallballs

Cera (Time)

60 GHD Sit Ups
9 Rope Climbs
120 Wall Balls (20/14) (10’/9’)

100 ab-mat sit ups
50 pull ups
100 wallballs (20/14#) (10’/9’)

Time cap 16 minutes

Cera Plus (Time)

90 GHD sit ups
12 Rope Climbs
150 Wallballs (20#/14#) (10’/9′)

Time cap 16 minutes

Back Squat (Take 7 TOTAL sets to build to a heavy single for the day. Include your warm ups.)