CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

pvc pass throughs and windmills + front rack stretch w/pvc

wrist stretch

spiderman and reach

standing kang squats

bird feeders (10x)

inchworm w/tempo push up (4x)

kb swings (10x)

handstand hold (20-30 sec)

3-5 hspu negatives

3-5 strict hspu

*barbell warm up

The Evil Queen (Time)

2 Rounds For Time
25 Strict Handstand Push Ups
50 Hang Muscle Clean (75/55) – If you can’t rep out 10 unbroken, drop the load

Rx+ as written
Rx – 25 kipping hspu’s
*Time cap 12 minutes

Metcon (No Measure)

4 Sets:

10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ moderate weight RPE 7

10 Leaning Lateral Raise @ moderate weight RPE 7

-rest 60-90 seconds b/t sets-

4 Sets:

10 GHD Hip Raise @ moderate weight RPE 7

10 Seated Alternating Double DB Shoulder Press @ moderate weight RPE 7

-rest 60-90 seconds b/t sets-


