CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

Mayhem Athletes! For 99% of us, we are in the off-season and it’s time to begin rebuilding (or building for the 1st time) the foundation of our fitness, taking care of our bodies for longevity, and having fun with training!!

2:00 bike/row/run

pvc pass throughs and windmills (get that lower back stretched out)

spiderman rockswith hamstring lockouts

inchworm with push up into calf stretch (3x)

banded good mornings (15-20x)

deadbugs (10 alt)

bird dogs (10 alt.)

5-8 scap pull ups

3-5 strict pull ups

elevated heel raises (10x)

box step ups (10 alt) + box jumps (5x)

Deadlift (2×10 @6 RPE
3×10 @ 7 RPE)

perform 5 seated box jumps after each set

Incredible Hulk (Time)

3 rounds
18 Burpee Box Jump Over (24in/20in)
24 Strict Pull Ups

Rx+ as written
12 burpee box jump overs
18 strict pull ups

The goal is to keep moving and finish near the goal time of 7-8 minutes, so don’t choose to do Rx+ and only do less than 2 rounds

*Time cap 12 minutes

