CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Squat Warm-Up #1 (No Measure)

2:00 bike
spiderman and reach
squat hold and flossing
10 air squats + 10 cossack squats
10 single leg heel taps from small box
banded side steps (12-15x/leg)
banded tempo air squats(5x) and pulses(8x)
*Barbell warm up

Y’s t’s w’s
8-10 kip swings + 3-5 strict toes to bar

Back Squat (5×3@ 8RPE)

5 sets of 3 at 8RPE

Papa John’s (Time)

3 rounds
400m Run
20 Toes to Bar
20 V Ups
*Time cap 15 minutes
