CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Deadlift warm up (No Measure)

2:00 Bike/Row/Run Spiderman and reach with hamstring lockouts pvc pass throughs + windmills Standing kang squats with plate or DB squat stance Russian KB swings (20x) single leg glute bridge (10x each leg with 3 sec hold at top)

Before metcon

-10 kip swings + 3-5 strict pull ups

10 air squats

5-8 push ups

5 wallballs

2-3 burpee pull ups ( warm up bar muscle ups)

5 wallballs

Clean Deadlift (3-2-1-1)

3 Clean Deadlift @RPE 7

2 Clean Deadlift @RPE 7.5

1 Clean Deadlift @RPE 8

1 Clean Deadlift @RPE 8.5

*No hook or mixed grip.

“You can’t have Thanksgiving without Turkey.” (Time)

For time:

30 Bar Muscle Ups (burpee pull ups)

90 Wall Balls (30/20) (10/9ft) (20/14)

*Partition as desired

*Time cap 12 minutes