CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Deadlift warm up (No Measure)

2:00 bike/row/run/ski

spiderman rocks (calf, hip flexor – be dynamic)

standing kang squats (8x)

deadbugs (10x alt.)

bird dogs (10 alt)

banded good mornings (15-20x)

Bulgarian split squats (8-10x/leg)

before wod…

3 sets

2 pull ups + 10 air squats + 10 cossack squats

3 pull ups + 5 wallballs

4 pull ups + 5 wallballs

Clean Deadlift

5 Clean Deadlift @ 6/10 RPE

4 Clean Deadlift @ 7/10 RPE

3 Clean Deadlift @ 8/10 RPE

2 Clean Deadlift @ 9/10 RPE

1 Clean Deadlift @ 10/10 RPE

**No hook or mixed grip**

Chopped (AMRAP – Reps)

10 Rounds for reps of:

30 seconds of Strict Pull Ups (pull ups from barbell on rig with feet on 20″ box – hips come below barbell and arms at full extension)

-Rest 30 seconds-

30 seconds of Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)

-Rest 30 seconds-