CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

pvc pass throughs and windmills

spiderman and reach

standing kang squats

inchworm with push up into calf stretch

light DB deadlifts, squats, presses (12x/each)

strict pull ups (5x) + 3 burpee pull ups

barbell warm up

9/11 Tribute (Time)

In a 3 person team, complete the following for time…

110 power cleans (95/65)

representing the 110 floors of Tower 1

110 shoulder to overhead (95/65)

representing the 110 floors of Tower 2

343 Double Unders

representing the 343 lost firefighters

77 burpee pull ups

representing Flight 77 which crashed into the Pentagon

93 front squats (95/65)

representing Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania

*100m weighted carry (20/14# wallball)

One team member will start with the 100m carry, while the other two members start working on the reps. Rotate when they return. This is a chipper wod. You must finish one movement before moving onto the next.