CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

Spiderman and reach with hamstring lockouts

alternating quad stretch

alternating lunges (10x)

inchworm with push up (5x)

:20 on/:20 off bike (3x)

Metcon (Calories)

5 Min Bike at RPE3

-Rest 1 Min-

4 Sets

500m Bike at RPE4-5, 30 Sec Rest or RPE2

1000m Bike at RPE4-5, 60 Sec Rest or RPE2

1500m Bike at RPE4-5

*Rest 90 Sec between sets.

Score is total calories. Bike should continue to keep time, but some may not :O

This is not a wod where you are pushing hard…Remember RPE of 4-5.

*If you row, do 4 sets of

250 m row, 500m row, 750m row