CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

General Warm-Up #1 (No Measure)

2:00 bike/row/run
PVC pass throughs and rotations
spiderman and reach with hamstring lockouts
standing kang squats
alternating figure 4’s
inchworm into tempo push up into calf stretch (3x)

skill progression (No Measure)

Take 10-15 minutes to work with your coach a skill progression

Metcon (Time)

Your Choice!! Bike/Row/Ski/Run

2 sets

run/row/ski 800m at RPE5 (bilke cals 48/38), 90 sec rest

run/row/ski 600m at RPE7 (bike cals 36/29), 90 sec rest

run/row/ski 400m at RPE8 (bike cals 24/19), 90 sec rest

run/row/ski 200m at RPE9 (bike cals 12/10), 2:00 REST