CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Metcon (No Measure)

20 Minute EMOM

30 seconds of DU’s

2-4 HSPU’s on box, walk 1/2 way around box on hands, 2-4 HSPU’s on box, walk back to start, 2-4 HSPU’s on box (work on full range of motion down and through “the window”)

8-10 barbell rollouts

10 hip extensions (weighted optional)

Core Finisher (Time)

50 Ab Mat Situps

–rest 30 seconds–

Max Effort Unbroken Hollow Hold

–rest 30 seconds–

50 Ab Mat Situps

SCORE is: Max Effort Hollow Hold

Alternate WOD (Time)

If you are looking to work a little harder today you can choose to do this WOD

5k row for time

*every 2:00 do 10 Wallballs (20/14) (10/9)

*Time cap 30 minutes

Rx + as written

Rx – 3500m row