CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up (No Measure)

2:00 bike

Banded or pvc pass throughs and rotations

Standing kang squats with plate

Banded good mornings (15x)

Light DB presses (10x) then moderate DB presses

Light deadlifts (10x) then add weight

7/5 cal bike

5 Wod weight DB presses and push presses

5 wod weight deadlifts

Custer (2 Rounds for time)

2 Sets:

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

15 push press (2×50/35) (2×35/25)

15 Deadlifts (225/155) (185/125)

-rest 1:1-

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

5 strict press (2×50/35) (2×35/25)

15 Deadlifts (225/155) (185/125)

5 strict press (2×50/35) (35/25)

-rest 1:1 b/t sets-

*Stay under 60% of 1 RM deadlift

*Time cap 4 minutes per set

DB Bench Press + DB Chinese Row

DB Bench Press + DB Chinese Row
10 DB Bench Press + 10 DB Chinese Row (Use same DB for bench press and chinese row)

Set 1: 6 RPE

Set 2: 7 RPE

Set 3: 8 RPE

Set 4: 9 RPE