CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Clean and Jerk Warm Up (No Measure)

banded lat stretch
spiderman and reach
kang squat into warrior squat (5x)
downward dog opposite toe touches with push up (10 alternating)
10-15 light kb swings
banded pull aparts (horizontal and diagonal)

empty barbell warm up :
clean pulls
muscle cleans
front squats
high hang squat cleans
push jerks

WOD Prep
7/5 cal row
3-5 GHD sit ups
leg swings forward/backward and side to side
3 foot clamp to stand
4 shuttle sprints
1-2 rope climbs

2 position clean and jerk (Weight)

2 Position Clean (Above Knee + Floor) + 2 Jerk @ 65%
2 Position Clean (Above Knee + Floor) + 2 Jerk @ 65%
2 Position Clean (Above Knee + Floor) + 1 Jerk @ 68%
2 Position Clean (Above Knee + Floor) + 1 Jerk @ 70%
2 Position Clean (Above Knee + Floor) + 1 Jerk @ 73-75%

*% based off 1 RM clean and jerk

Metcon (10 Rounds for time)

5 Sets (1 set every 2:30)

16 Shuttle Runs (25ft = 1 rep)

20 GHD Sit Ups

-Rest 3 minutes-

5 Sets (1 set every 2:30)

20/16 Calorie Row

4 Rope Climbs

Rx+ as written


12 shuttle runs

20 abmat sit ups

16/12 cal row

8 chin ups

* Time Cap each set: 2 minutes 15 seconds

You know the drill on these. Stay moving and consistent. The goal should be under 60 seconds to finish the run. SUB FOR SHUTTLE RUN IS 20/16 CALORIES ON MACHINE

GHD Sit Up : Non-stop/unbroken is the only thing we want. Be aggressive with the arms and snap your hips on every rep.

Row: Like the shuttle run, we want to be aggressive and try to finish around the 60-second mark.

Rope Climb : Try and complete 1 climb every 15 seconds. Big jump and use the legs first to stand up before adjusting the arms.

Metcon (10 Rounds for time)

5 Sets (1 set every 2:30)

16 Shuttle Runs (25ft = 1 rep)

20 GHD Sit Ups

-Rest 3 minutes-

5 Sets (1 set every 2:30)

20/16 CalorieRow

4 Rope Climbs

Rx + as written

Rx 12 shuttle runs

20 abmat sit ups

16/12 cal row

8 strict chin ups

*Time cap 2:15 each round

* This is a lot of GHD sit ups. If you are not used to the volume, scale the reps

*The goal should be under 60 seconds to finish the run.

*GHD sit ups : Non-stop/unbroken is the only thing we want. Be aggressive with the arms and snap your hips on every rep.

* scale rope climb reps to finish in one minute