CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

samson stretch

wide stance and reach up (alt. arms)

squat hold and flossing

bird feeders (8/leg)

banded good mornings (15-20x)

banded 1 1/4 air squats (10x)

light DB deadlifts, front squats, presses (5x each)

moderate DB deadlifts, front squats, presses (5x each)

* barbell warm up

kang squats (5x)

elbow rotations (5x/side)

clean high pulls (5x)

muscle cleans (5x)

front squats (5x)

presses (5x)

clusters (3x)

Cluster (8 Clusters
6 Clusters
4 Clusters
2 Clusters
2 Clusters
-Rest as needed in between sets-

*These will be cycled. Move up in weight each set and build to a heavy set of 2
*Start at 6/10 RPE and move up in weight each set. Build to a heavy set of 2.)

Cory and Topanga (Time)

5 sets
500/450m Row
-rest 1 minute between sets-

-rest 3 minutes-

5 sets:
10 x 25ft Shuttle Runs
-rest 30 seconds between sets-