CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

high knee karaoke


toy soldiers

knee hugs

alt. figure 4’s

quad stretch

inchworm with push up and calf stretch

wrist stretch

bird feeders

*Barbell warm up

good mornings, elbow rotations, back squats, presses, clean high pulls, muscle cleans, low hang power cleans,

*Warm up to starting weight by getting in a good deal of reps at light weight.

* warm up handstand push ups before wod (ie:y’s t’s w’s, handstand hold, negatives, DB presses, pike push ups)

Power Clean Cycling

*Do a set every 2 minutes.

10 Power Clean
8 Power Clean
6 Power Clean
4 Power Clean
2 Power Clean
-Rest as needed in between sets-

*These will be cycled. Touch and Go! Move up in weight each set and build to a heavy set of 2
**Keep your movement fluid and precise!

Cream Cheese Danish (Time)

5 Sets
400m Run
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups
-rest 1 minute b/t sets-

Rx+ as written
Rx – 10 kipping handstand push ups

* Time cap is 3:00 per set
* Score is total time including rest
**If you miss reps, include 1 second penalty per rep missed.
For example, If I missed 3 reps per round, my score is 20:15