CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

:30 on/:30 off singles (3x)

spiderman and reach with hamstring lockouts

standing kang squats

calf stretch

7/5 cal row

5/3 cal bike

30 singles

7/5 cal row

5/3 cal bike

20-30 DU’s

Cassie Lang (Time)

3 sets:
12-9-6 (9-7-5)
Calorie Row
Calorie Bike
*50 Double Unders after each round
-Rest 3 minutes between sets-

Time cap 6 minutes per set

Mechanical Drop Set (4 Rounds for reps)

4 sets:

5 Seated Overhead DB Press

7 Incline DB Press

Max Flat Bench DB Bench Press

-rest 2:00 – 2:30 b/t sets-
*put weight used in notes

There are no specific weights for the Mechanical Drop sets, as it will vary from person to person. You should be able to go straight from the seated overhead press, into the incline dumbbell press and then immediately into your max set of dumbbell bench press without ever setting the dumbbells down. Remember the Target/Goal is between 15-20 reps of the max flat bench press