CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Snatch Warm-Up #1 (No Measure)

2:00 bike/row/run

PVC pass throughs and windmills
PVC banded opener on rig
prone scorpion stretch
15 standing kang squats + 10 alt. cossack squats
10 warrior squats
y’s t’s w’s cuban presses

*barbell warm up then…
5 Muscle snatches
3 Hang Power Snatches
5 Snatches (get lower in squat on each rep)
5 Overhead squats

Hang Pause Snatch (5×3)

3 Hang Pause Snatch at 6RPE
3 Hang Pause Snatch at 6RPE
3 Hang Pause Snatch at 6.5RPE
3 Hang Pause Snatch at 6.5RPE
3 Hang Pause Snatch at 7RPE

*Hang is from above the knee
**Pause in the receive position for 2 seconds.

Version of Alpaca Redux (Time)

3 rounds:
2 legless rope climbs (2 rope climbs)
12 hang kettlebell clean and jerks (2×53-blue/35-green) (35-green/26-red)
18 back rack lunges in place from the rig (step forward)

Round 1: (135/95) (115/80)
Round 2: (115/80) (95/65)
Round 3: (95/65) (75/55)

*Time cap 18 minutes