CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

Warm Up

pvc pass throughs and windmills

Banded lat stretch

Scap pull ups (8-10x)

scap push ups (8-10)

spiderman and reach

banded good mornings (15-20)

standing kang squats (5x)

air squats (10x)

y’s, t’s, w’s (10-12 each)

*barbell warm up (3-5x each)

snatch grip high pulls

low hang muscle snatches

back squat into press

overhead squats

snatch balance

snatch (power to squat)

*Before metcon

8-10 kip swings

hang dbclean and jerks (5x/side) light

hang db clean and jerks (5x/side) moderate

5-7 toes to bar

2 db facing burpees

Squat Snatch (10 Squat Snatch
8 Squat Snatch
6 Squat Snatch
4 Squat Snatch
2 Squat Snatch
-Rest as needed in between sets-

*These will be cycled.
*Start at 6/10 RPE and move up in weight each set. Build to a heavy set of 2.
*Keep your movement fluid and precise!)

Mr. Feeny (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 18 Minutes
18 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)
18 Dumbbell Facing Burpee
18 Toes to Bar

Rx+ as written
Rx 35#/25#