CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

spiderman and reach with hamstring lockouts

pvc pass throughs and rotations

2 rounds of

15 banded good mornings

5 tempo push ups

10 alternating step ups

10 light kb swings

10 light kb presses



4 sets of 5 reps @65-75%

Rest 2:00 between sets


Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

On a running clock: At 0:00

For Time:

50 alternating Single dumbbell Hang Clean and split jerks @ 50/35 lbs

30 Bar Facing Burpees

Time Cap: 7 minutes

*must alternate lead split jerk leg each rep

*must step up and alternate lead leg on each burpee rep

At 10:00 :

For Time:

50 Single Arm Dumbbell Split Snatches @ 50/35 lbs

20 Burpee Box Step-Overs 24/20 inches

*must alternate lead split jerk leg each rep

*must step up and alternate lead leg on each burpee and step up rep
Score is total time for each piece individually. You will enter two times.

Only follow the “*” guidelines if you aim to compete recreationally, locally, whatever. If your goal is just to be healthy, there’s not need to get this granular on your movement patterns. Regular DB hang C&J, and regular DB snatches will be RX. RX+ must follow all of the footwork and guidelines.

If you’re wondering the purpose of this, ask your coach! 🙂