CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

2:00 light row

5 spiderman and reach (nice and slow)

10 air squats with a 30 second hold in bottom on last one

10 alternating warrior squats

8 lateral step downs

8 light DB presses

barbell warm up


Front Squat

On the Minute x 9:

1 Tempo Front Squat


5 Seconds Down

2 Second Pause

Aggressively Stand

Sets 1-3: 60%

Sets 4-6: 64%

Sets 7-9: 68%


Going on the clock for this front squat strength and positioning work

We’ll work through 3 sets of 3 at different percentages of your 1RM front squat (60-68%)

This is week 1 of 2 for this progression

The goal is to stick to the tempo on each set, which is:

5 Seconds Down

2 Seconds Pause

Aggressively Stand

The tempo is ultimately more important than the weight on the bar – so adjust as needed to stick to the pace

These reps come from the rack, with a new set starting every minute for 9 minutes


Singled Out (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Rounds:

1 Minute Wallballs (20/14)

1 Minute Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

1 Minute Box Jumps (24/20)

1 Minute Single Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerks (50/35)

1 Minute Calorie Row

1 Minute Rest


In this “Fight Gone Bad” style workout, you’ll work for 5 minutes before resting for 1

Looking to choose weights that allows you to complete around 15-20 reps at each station during the workout

This works out to 75-100 reps each round

Score is total reps across the 3 rounds


Choose a dumbbell weight that you can complete 20+ reps of each movement unbroken when fresh

Dumbbell Snatches: Alternate Hands Every Rep

Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks: Alternate Hands Every 5 Reps


These are standard box jumps, requiring full extension at the top of each rep


There are a couple ways to approach this 5-minute on, 1-minute off workout

The first is to have a rep goal for each round or each movement

For example, you could try to hold somewhere between 15-20 reps on each movement

Another option would be to pre-set the time you are working on each minute

For example, you could go with a tabata style or double tabata interval option on the weighted movements and move for the whole minute on the non-weighted movements

On the wallballs, snatches, and hang clean and jerks, consider one of following:

1 Set of :40 Seconds On, :20 Seconds Rest

2 Sets of :20 Seconds On, :10 Seconds Rest

Since you aren’t holding anything for the box jumps and row, just find a pace you can keep moving at for the whole minute

Pre-determining the time you’ll work for can help you keep moving forward and can help you maintain similar reps from round to round

Extra Credit

Metcon (No Measure)

3 Sets For Quality:

:20 Second L-Sit

:30 Second Wall-Facing Handstand Hold

:40 Double Kettlebell Static Squat

Rest as Needed Between Sets

Choose a time domain on the L-Sit that you can complete in 1-2 sets each round

The L-Sits are ideally completed on parallettes, but can also be completed hanging from a pull-up bar if needed

Choose a time for the handstand hold and static squat that you can complete unbroken each round

The two kettlebells are meant to be held in the front rack during the static squat

You can build in weight or stay the same across – but choose something that you’ll get the 40 seconds done unbroken

Move directly from one movement to the next, resting as needed between the 3 sets


L-Sit & Wall-Facing Handstand Hold

Let’s focus on staying active through the shoulder on both of these movements. Shrug down on the L-Sit to get further off the ground and shrug up in the handstand hold.

Kettlebell Static Squat

The focus here is on staying active as well. Hold a position just below parallel and try to keep the legs working. What we want to avoid is dropping down into total end range. Keep the belly tight, chest up, and legs actively working to hold the weight.


L-Sit: Hanging L-Sit or Reduce Time

Wall Facing Handstand Hold: Face Away From Wall

Double Kettlebell Static Squat: Reduce Weight