CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

5 spiderman and reach/side

10 alternating quad stretch

pigeon stretch :30/side

5 inchworms with push up

10 birdfeeders/side

2 rounds

100m row

5/3 cal bike


Metcon (Time)

10 Sets

150m Row or Ski at 70%

-No Rest-

50m Row or Ski at 90%

90 Sec Echo Bike at 30%

*No additional rest between reps or sets.
Today is a recovery day. You do have the option of making up a wod from Monday-Wednesday, but if you’ve been to the gym each day this week, todays wod is a great recovery wod. You can also take some time to do some extra stretching and body work.