CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

pvc pass throughs and rotations

wrist stretch

ankle stretch

10 hollow rocks

20-30 second handstand hold

8-10 kip swings

10 air squats

5-10 banded tempo air squats

10 banded pistols

1-2 wall walks

5-7 toes to bar

8-10 pistols


Metcon (No Measure)

2 sets:

For quality:

10 ‘look at wall’ wall walks with established step count

-rest 3 min between sets-
Target for the 10’s to be faster than your splits from last week *Establish how many steps you are going to take to the wall and away from the wall per rep before you start. Reps only count if you maintain that step count. Rest as little as possible in order to maintain this.


Metcon (Time)

2 rounds for time:

30 toes to bar

30 Alternating Pistols

15 Strict HSPU (2 min cap) (Double DB Strict Press 50’s/35’s)

15 Burpees to 12″ target

-rest 5:00 between-

Scoring Time (lower is better)
Score – includes rest time, just enter total time.