CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

200 m row

PVC pass throughs and rotations

wrist stretch

y’s t’s w’s

3-5 negative pull ups

20-30 second handstand hold

10 hollow body rocks

3-5 strict pull ups

2-3 wall walks

200 m row


Metcon (Weight)

3 weighted pull-ups

*Find a 3 RM at a max load

For those who are still working on strict pull-ups here are some things you can work on:

*Find a 3 RM with the lightest band


*Elevated ring rows

Please talk to your coaches, they are there to help.


Metcon (Time)

For time:


Cal Row


Wall Walks

*Establish step count before starting – reps only count if you maintain that step count

*Row @ a pace you would hold for a 15-20 min AMRAP – focus is on wall walk speed / managing rest between reps