CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm Up

Warm-up (No Measure)

Spiderman and reach with hamstring lockouts

alternating quad stretch

alternating figure 4’s

10 kip swings

y’s t’s w’s cuban presses

lower bar transitions (jumping muscle up from barbell attached to rig)

Get out of the pools

Row 1:30 easy

Bike 0:30 moderate

Row 1:00 easy/moderate

Bike 0:30 moderate/fast

Row 0:30 moderate

Bike 0:30 fast

0:30 rest

Row 0:30 fast

Bike 0:10 sprint


Rinse and Repeat (AMRAP – Reps)

Every 2 minutes:

200/180m Row

8/6 bike cals*

*Add 2 calories each round for 6 rounds, then complete as many calories as possible for rounds 7 and 8.

How to Pace: STEADY then SPRINT!! You want to be completely smooth through the first few rounds, and stay moderate as long as possible. Don’t sprint until your final 2 rounds, then it is all out til the clock stops you!

Row: Just a smooth moderate pace here. Do NOT start out fast. Go slower than you think to start and it will help you keep your heart rate lower which will pay off in later rounds.

Bike: This is very similar to the Row above. Don’t rush until the last 2 rounds then drop the hammer!

Rx+ as written

Rx: 200/180, 6/4 bike cals (*add 1 cal each round until rounds 7+8)



Kipping Bar Muscle Ups

1:2 work/rest between sets

Target: If you can’t do 16 Bar Muscle Ups in 4 sets or less FRESH than you should scale workout [see Athlete Notes]

— rest 5 minutes —

Accessory Work:

Accumulate 15 Banded Front Levers