CrossFit Indian Trail – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

“Perfection can be spelled with the word paralysis.” – Churchill

De-Load Week

2:00 jump rope (singles/doubles)

high knee karaoke

toy soldiers

knee hugs

figure 4’s

quad stretch

inchworm with push up into downward dog and calf stretch

lunge w/twist

side lunge

high knees

butt kickers

2 Rounds of:

3 strict pull ups

8 kip swings

5 eccentric step downs/side

1 Round of

10 calorie bike or 200m run

5 pull ups

3 burpee box jumps


Speed Limit (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Buy-In: 115/85 Calorie Bike

Max Rounds in Time Remaining:

8 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups/Chin over Pull-ups

To start off this 15 minute workout, you’ll complete 115/85 calories on the Bike

Once you finish all the calories, you’ll spend the remainder of the workout completing rounds of burpee box jumps and chest to bar pull-ups

Make sure to stand to full extension at the top of each burpee box jump

Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed before the time cap

Cap the bike at 9 minutes, giving you at least 6 minutes to complete the scored portion of the workout


Move at a moderate pace on the buy-in bike, one that allows you to get to the scored portion of the workout under control and ready to go

With the goal being to move as much as possible during the 15 minutes, hold a pace on the opening bike that you think you could sustain for 15 minutes of work

Once you get to the rounds of 8 and 8, the main priority is the chest to bar pull-ups

8 reps is right in that range where we can push for larger sets on the gymnastics movement

Find a speed on the burpee box jumps that allows you to complete the chest to bar pull-ups in as few sets as possible

Go a little slower than you want to on your opening round of burpee box jumps, as you can always get faster

We would rather have the option to speed up instead of being forced to slow down

If you’re able to keeping moving on the burpee box jumps and minimize breaks on the chest to bar pull-ups, you maximize your potential to get work done

If you do see yourself having to break the chest to bar pull-ups at some point, consider the following sets:

1 Set: 8

2 Sets: 4-4

3 Sets: 3-3-2



Run: 1 Mile Run

Row: 2000 Meter Row

Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Reduce Reps

Chin Over Bar Pull-ups

Banded Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Ring Rows